Discount Calculator

Type your product ammount and the Discount Percentage, the value Discount Amount also saved ammount will update below. Copy the ammount instantly.

Original Amount:

Discount Percentage (%):

After Discount Amount:


Saved Amount:


What is discount calculator?

A discount calculator is a mathematical formula or tool used to calculate the discounted price of a product or service after applying a discount. It is used in e-commerce, retail, and sales to determine the final price after the omission a fixeds amount from the real price.

Discounts are offered to attract customers, incentivize purchases or promote sales. The discount calculator simplifies the calculation process and helps both sellers and buyers understand the reduced price.

Here's how the discount calculator typically works:

Percentage Discount Formula:
Discounted Price = Original Price - (Original Price * (Discount Percentage / 100))

Example: If some product real costs $1000 and there is a 20% discount, the discounted price can be calculated as follows:
Discounted Price = ( $1000 - (($1000 * 20) / 100)) = 1000 - $200 = $800

Fixed Amount Discount Formula:
Discounted Price = Original Price - Fixed Amount

Example: If some product real costs $1000 and there is a $10 discount, the discounted price can be calculated as follows:
Discounted Price = $1000 - $10 = $990

An example of using a discount calculator:

Like you want to purchase a pair of books that has an original price of $80, and the store is offering a discount of 25%. To calculate the discounted price using a discount calculator:

Input the original price: $80
Input the discount percentage: 25
Using the formula for calculating the discounted price:

Discounted Price = Original Price - (Original Price * (Discount Percentage / 100))

Substituting the values:

Discounted Price = $80 - ($80 * (25 / 100))
Discounted Price = $80 - ($80 * 0.25)
Discounted Price = $80 - $20
Discounted Price = $60

Therefore, the discounted price of the shoes, after a 25% discount, is $60.

The main discount calculator formula:( Original Price – Original Price * (Discount Percentage / 100))

$100*5% = $5$100*10% = $10$100*15% = $15$100*20% = $20
$250*5% = $12.5$250*10% = $25$250*15% = $37.5$250*20% = $50
$500*5% = $25$500*10% = $50$500*15% = $75$500*20% = $100
$750*5% = $37.5$750*10% = $75$750*15% = $112.5$750*20% = $150
$1000*5% = $50$1000*10% = $100$1000*15% = $150$1000*20% = $200
$10,000*5% = $500$10,000*10% = $1000$10,000*15% = $1500$10,000*20% = $2000
$50,000*5% = $2500$50,000*10% = $5000$50,000*15% = $7500$50,000*20% = $10000
$100,000*5% = $5000$100,000*10% = $10000$100,000*15% = $15000$100,000*20% = $20000