Percentage Calculator

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% of=

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is what percent of=
0 %

Percentage Increase/Decrease From:

0 %

Amount Increased/Decreased By Percentage:

% =

Our Percentage calculator is used to determine the percentage value of a given amount or to find the main value based on a percentage. It is normally used in various fields such as science, mathematics, finance, taxes, interest rates, grades, and everyday life to calculate discounts, proportions, and many other calculations involving percentages.

Percentage calculations involve three main components: the base value, the percentage, and the result. The base range is the total or main amount, the percentage represents the portion or fraction of the base range, and the result is the calculated value derived from the base and percentage.


Finding a percentage of a given number:
Percentage Formula = (Part / 100) * Whole

Example: What is 25% of 80?
Solution: Percentage = (25 / 100) * 80 = 0.25 * 100 = 20%
Therefore, 25% of 80 is 20.

Calculating the percentage increase or decrease:
Formula: Percentage Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

Instance: Let's think a product increased from $140 to $180 what's the percentage increase?
Percentage Increase = [(New_Value - Old_value) / Old_value ] * 100

Percentage Increase:
= [($180 - $140) / $140] * 100
= [$40 / $140] * 100
= .29* 100
= 29%

So we see, there was a 29% increase in price.

Determining the original value based on a known percentage:
Formula: Original Value = Final Value / (1 + Percentage/100)

For example, if the final price is $70, and it's discounted by 30%, the formula works as follows:

Original Value = $70 / (1 + 30/100)
Original Value = $70 / (1 + 0.3)
Original Value = $70 / 1.3 ≈ $53.85 (rounded)

So, the original price was approximately $53.85.

Calculating the percentage difference between two values:
Formula: Percentage Difference = [(2nd Value - 1st Value) / |1st Value|] * 100

Calculating the percentage of a whole that represents a part:
Formula: Part = (Percentage / 100) * Whole

Finding the percentage change from the initial value to the final value:
Formula: Percentage Change = [(Final Value - Initial Value) / |Initial Value|] * 100

Calculating the percentage increase or decrease in a series of values:
Formula: Percentage Change = [(New Value - Old Value) / |Old Value|] * 100

(1000*.5%) = 5(10,000* .5%) =50(50,000* .5%) =250
(1000* 2%) =20(10,000* 2%) =200(50,000* 2%) =1,000
(1000* 5%) =50(10,000* 5%) =500(50,000* 5%) =2,500
(1000* 10%) =100(10,000* 10%) =1000(50,000* 10%) =5,000
(1000* 15%) =150(10,000* 15%) =1500(50,000* 15%) =7,500
(1000* 20%) = 200(10,000* 20%) = 2000 (50,000* 20%) =10,000
(1000* 25%) =250(10,000* 25%) =2500(50,000* 25%) =12,000
(1000* 30%) =300(10,000* 30%) =3000(50,000* 30%) =15,000
(1000* 35%) =350(10,000* 35%) =3500(50,000* 35%) =17,500
(1000* 40%) =400(10,000* 40%) =4000(50,000* 40%) =20,000
(1000* 45%) =450(10,000* 45%) =4500(50,000* 45%) = 22,500
(1000*50%) =500(10,000* 50%) =5000(50,000* 50%) =25,000